This Girl Put Aluminum Foil After Washing Hair ,She Delighted Best Hairdressers of World With This Trick

No woman in the world that would not change anything about their looks. And the most common problem for them is their hair. Women desire healthy, flawless hair, and luckily, there is a trick you can use to achieve that. The secret is in the natural ingredients that offer their best properties to provide beautiful and strong hair, preserving and enhancing the scalp health as well. Moreover, dirt will be removed from your scalp and hair, and hair’s volume, shine and strength will be restored. Your hair and scalp will get all the needed vitamins and minerals that are important for healthy hair growth.

-You can pick 1 lemon, orange or grapefruit
-1 banana
-2 liters of milk

Start by squeezing the juice from the orange, grapefruit, or lemon. Then, take your blender and put the banana and the milk in it and mix. The resulted mixture should be applied onto your hair. Massage your scalp gently for 2-3 minutes and then cover it with aluminum foil. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash with shampoo at the end. Your hair will have an amazing shine; it will be healthy and dandruff-free. Use it at least twice a week.

The aluminum foil improves the absorption of your hair and scalp, helping the ingredients to work at its best.

तेजी से घटाएं अपना वज़न ,वेट लॉस टिप्स |Weight Loss Tips in Hindi

1. सब्र  रखें   : याद   रखिये   की आज जो आपका weight है  वो कोई दो -दिन  या  दो  महीने   की  देन  नहीं  है . ये  तो बहुत  समय  से चली  आ  रही  आपकी life-style का  नतीजा  है. और यदि आपको weight loss करना है तो निश्चित  रूप  से आपको सब्र  रखना  होगा. बेंजामिन फ्रैंकलिन का  ये कथन -” जिसके पास धैर्य है वह जो चाहे वो पा सकता है.” हमेशा मुझे प्रेरित करता है. तो आप भी तैयार रहिये कि इस काम में वक़्त लगेगा. हो सकता है शुरू के एक-दो हफ्ते आपको अपने वज़न में कोई अंतर ना नज़र आये पर येही वो वक़्त है जहाँ आपको मजबूत बने रहना है, धैर्य रखना है, हिम्मत रखना है.

 2.अपने efforts में यकीन रखिये : किसी भी और चीज से ज्यादा ज़रूरी है कि आप weight loss के लिए जो efforts कर रहे हैं उसमे आपका यकीन होना.  यदि आप एक तरफ daily gym जा रहे हैं और दूसरी तरफ दोस्तों से ये कहते फिर रहे हैं कि जिम-विम जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है तो आपका subconscious mind भी इसी बात को मानेगा, और सच-मुच आपको अपने एफ्फोर्ट्स का कोई रिजल्ट नहीं मिलेगा. खुद से positive-talk करना बहुत ज़रूरी है. आप खुद से कहिये कि, ” मैं फिट हो रहा हूँ”, ” मुझे results मिल रहे हैं” , आदि.
3.Visualize करिए : आप जैसा दिखना चाहते हैं वैसे ही खुद के बारे में सोचिये. यकीन जानिये ये आपको weight lose करने में मदद करेगा.आप चाहें तो आप अपने कमरे की दीवार, या कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर कुछ वैसी ही फोटो लगा सकते हैं जैसा कि आप दिखना चाहते हैं. रोज़ खुद को वैसा देखना उस चीज को और भी संभव बनाएगा.

4.नाश्ते के बाद , पानी को अपना main drink  बनाएं : नाश्ते के वक़्त orange juice, चाय , दूध इत्यादि ज़रूर लें लेकिन उसके बाद पुरे दिन पानी को ही पीने के लिए इस्तेमाल करें. कोल्ड-ड्रिंक को तो छुए भी नहीं और चाय-कॉफ़ी पर भी पूरा control रखें .इस तरह आप हर रोज़ करीब 200-250 Calories कम consume करेंगे.
5.Pedometer का प्रयोग करें: ये एक ऐसी device है जो आप के हर कदम को count करता  है. इसे अपने बेल्ट में लगा लें और कोशिश करें की हर रोज़ 1000 Steps extra चला जाये. जिनका weight अधिक होता है वो आम तौर पर दिन भर में बस दो से तीन हज़ार कदम ही चलते हैं. यदि आप इसमें 2000  कदम और जोड़ दें तो आपका current weight बना रहेगा और उससे ज्यादा चलने पर वज़न कम होगा.एक standard pedometer की कीमत 1000 से 1500 रुपये तक होती है.

6.अपने साथ एक छोटी सी diary रखें : आप जो कुछ भी खाएं उसे इसमें लिखें. Research में पाया गया है कि जो लोग ऐसा करते हैं वो औरों से 15% कम calories consume करते हैं.
7.जानें आप  कितनी calories लेते हैं, और उसमे 10% add कर दें: यदि आपको लगता है कि आप हर रोज़ 1800 कैलोरी लेते हैं और  फिर भी आपका वज़न control नहीं हो रहा है तो शायद आप अपनी calorie intake का गलत अनुमान लगा रहे हैं. आम तौर पर यदि आप अपने अनुमान में 10% और जोड़ दें तो आपका अनुमान ज्यादा accurate हो जायेगा. For Example: 1800 की जगह 1800 + 180 = 1980 Calorie.

8.तीन time खाने की बजाये 5-6 बार थोडा-थोडा खाएं: South Africa में हुई एक research में ये पाया गया की यदि व्यक्ति  सुबह, दोपहर, शाम  खाने की बजाये दिन भर में 5-6 बार थोड़ा-थोड़ा खाए  तो वो 30% कम कैलोरी consume करता है. और यदि वह  उतनी  ही कैलोरी ले  रहा है जितना की वो तीन बार खाने में लेता  है तो भी  ऐसा करने से body कम insulin release करती  है , जो की आपके blood sugar को सही रखता  है और  आपको भूख  भी कम लगती  है.

9.रोज़ 45 मिनट  टहलिए  : रोज़ 30 मिनट टहलना आपका weight बढ़ने नहीं देगा लेकिन यदि आप अपना weight घटाना चाहते हैं तो कम से कम 45 मिनट रोज़ टहलना  चाहिए. अगर  आप रोज़ ऐसा कर लेते हैं तो बिना  अपना खान – पान बदले  भी आप साल  भर में 15Kg वज़न कम कर सकते हैं. और यदि आप ये काम सुबह सुबह ताज़ी हवा  में करें तो बात  ही कुछ और है. पर इसके लिए आपको डालनी  होगी सुबह जल्दी उठने  की आदत .
10.नीले रंग का अधिक प्रयोग करें: नीला रंग भूख को कम करता है. यही वजह है कि अधिकतर restaurants इस रंग का प्रयोग कम करते हैं. तो आप खाने में blue plates use करें , नीले कपडे पहने, और टेबल पर नीला tablecloth डालें.इसके opposite red,yellow, और orange color खाते वक़्त avoid करें, ये भूख बढाते हैं.

Dont Ignore Pain in these parts of your Body, it may be Danger Sign of your Health

Pain in any part of the body is normally a signal that something is wrong.However, we sometimes ignore these signals and assume everything is okay.Sometimes, pain in one body part could mean that something is with a different part of the body.Sometimes, the pain may be very insignificant, but you shouldn’t disregard it.Any pain that lasts over a week needs to be checked as ignoring it can cost your life, particular where these parts of the body are concerned:

1.Heart – Individuals with heart problems usually feel pain in the chest. Others experience pain in their right hand, on the upper back. Likewise, pain can be experienced in the left side of the body since heart problems are usually associated with body parts that send impulses, like the spinal cord.
2.Lungs and diaphragm – With lung problems,  you’ll  feel pain in your neck and upper shoulders.
3.Stomach and pancreas – Pain in the abdomen and back, especially around the area where pancreas is located, is normally a clear indication that something is not right with either of these two organs.

4.Black liver and gall bag – You’ll experience pain in the upper shoulders and neck when something is wrong with the gall bag or liver, particular when the pain occurs persistently on the right side where they’re located. You may also feel pain in the shoulders as well as the back of the diaphragm.
5.Small intestine – You’ll feel pain around the navel area if something is wrong with the small intestine. You need to see the doctor whenever you feel pain around this area of the body.

6.Large intestine and cecum – Pain in the central lower abdomen could indicate problems with the rectum or the colon. You should visit a doctor immediately as this is a potentially grave problem.
7.Kidneys – Kidney problems may be difficult to diagnose as the pain occurs across lower abdomen, lower back, thighs, and pelvis.

8.Bladder – When you have bladder problems, you’ll experience pain in the lower pelvis.
9.Ovary – Ovary inflammations result in pain in front of your abdomen. When it comes to cysts, an intense and stabbing pain occurs around the area where they’re located.

Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads on NOSE at Home

Luckily, there are several natural home remedies that can do wonders for your skin without any side effects. Here is the Best one for you guys. Try and share this with your Friends too
Egg White Mask
Prepare a face mask out of egg whites to treat your pores. It will tighten your pores, remove blackheads from your nose, and prevent possible future outbreaks. Egg whites are great for your skin because they abound in nutrients.
You will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • a clean towel;
  • a small bowl;
  • some toilet paper or a facial tissue.

What to do:
First wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry. Next, separate the yolk from the white and apply the egg white to your skin in a thin layer. Place the toilet paper or facial tissue on the egg white portion and press your face gently. Leave it on until it dries. Now apply a second egg white layer over the paper/tissue (the paper/tissue shouldn’t slide off). Allow the second layer to dry too. You can apply a third layer this is optional. Once your mask is dry, your face will feel tight. Peel off the mask and remove any residue. Pat your face dry and apply some moisturizer.

Home Remedy for Good Eyesight and Look 15 years younger

Natural remedies help to improve your vision as well as to regenerate the entire eye area uses only several easily available ingredients. The process of preparation is also quite simple and time-efficient. On the plus side, this remedy is perfectly safe because it comprises all natural ingredients. Plus, it will not affect your budget as it’s quite low cost. Regular application of this remedy will make the skin around your eyes silky smooth

  • 3 cloves garlic 10 tbs 
  • organic honey 200 g 
  • linseed oil 
  • 4 lemons


  1. Start by peeling, chopping and grinding the garlic. 
  2. Follow by peeling and chopping the lemons. 
  3. Place the lemons into a glass jar then add the garlic, the honey and the linseed oil. 
  4. Blend all the ingredients well using a wooden spoon. 
  5. Do not refrigerate the mixture. 

Take 1 tbsp. before each meal, three times a day. Do not apply topically. 

This homemade remedy is definitely worth trying. It will not cost you a thing, but you’ll get priceless health benefits. This powerful combination will not only improve your vision, but at the same time wipe years off your face. The results will amaze you

Foods and Exercises to Increase Height Naturally

Dairy Products: When it comes to foods that increase height, there is nothing like milk and other dairy products. Milk and other dairy products like cheese, paneer and yogurt are essential for growth because they contain all the essential nutrients for height increase, such as calcium, proteins and vitamins A, B, D and E.

Calcium is essential for growth and maintenance of healthy and strong bones whereas vitamin D is vital for absorption of calcium into the body from various foods. Therefore, it is suggested to drink at least 2 glasses of milk daily and include other dairy products in your daily diet.
Eggs: The list of foods to increase height is incomplete without the inclusion of eggs in it. Eggs are a cheap and easily available source of high-quality protein that is essential for optimum growth. Eggs are a powerful source of vitamin D, calcium, and Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin, all of which helps in developing strong bones and a healthy body.eggs to increase height If you don’t want to load up on the fats then you can simply eat the white albumin, which is 100% protein. It is recommended to consume 3 to 6 egg whites on a daily basis.
Chicken: If you are trying to increase your height after the age of 25 then chicken is one of the best food options in this case. Chicken is one of the best natural sources of protein available which helps build tissues and muscles. A person trying to increase height must consume at least 50 grams of chicken every day in order to load up on high-quality proteins.

Soy Bean: Soybean is yet another nutritious food that provides a boost to your height when consumed on a daily basis. Soybean is a rich source of proteins, folate, vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates which makes it a complete food for improving overall health. The protein present in soybean also improves bone and tissue mass and density which is necessary for increasing height.Soy Products
One should try to consume 50 to 55 grams of soybean every day. You can include baked or boiled soy beans in your salads, rice, and other recipes. You can also consume other soy products like soy milk and tofu.

Leafy Green Vegetables: One of the best foods to increase height is fresh leafy green vegetables, which contain all the essential minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fibers required to stimulate growth hormones in the body which in turn helps in boosting your height.Green Leaf Vegetables. Some of the green vegetables that must be consumed for increasing height are spinach, collard greens, broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, okra, etc.

Fish: What better way to give a boost to your height than with delicious fish recipes? Fishes like salmon, tuna, sardine are a rich source of proteins and vitamin D, both of which are required for height growth. Vitamin D rich foods such as fish promote the absorption of calcium from other food sources which is necessary for growth and development of bones and increasing bone density.

Protein helps in repairing the tissues of the body and prevents bone erosion caused by wear and tear.

How To Regulate Thyroid Function Naturally, Women Must Read

Hypothyroidism usually affects women, but the risk is increased during pregnancy and with age. This problem is often neglects or underestimates, as a result of which the disease is diagnosed too late.
Thyroxine which is produced by the thyroid gland occurs in two forms, as T3 and T4. These hormones circulate in the blood linked to plasma proteins and some are in free fractions and are known as FT3 and FT4 and represent the active form of the hormone. The creation of thyroid hormones depends on the good functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary and of sufficient iodine intake, necessary for the creation of T3 and T4.

Take the selenium
The lack of this mineral can contribute to hypothyroidism. It has antioxidant properties since it is an integral part of the enzyme glutathione- peroxidase, involved in the inactivation of free radicals, dangerous for the proper functioning of our cells. However, selenium activates an enzyme that promotes the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to T3. Numerous clinical studies have shown that taking selenium reduces inflammation in patients with autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland.

The recommended amount of selenium for adults is 55 micrograms per day (400 micrograms is the recommended upper limit). Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, seafood, oysters, cereals, eggs, cucumber, radishes, white and black bow.
Take the zinc
This plays an important role in many biological processes since it is required for activity on at least 200 enzymes. It has antioxidant activity and is important for the conversion of T4 to T3.
The recommended daily dose is 10-30 mg. To increase its absorption, it should be taken one hour before or two hours after meals, not with coffee. You can find it in oysters, dried fruit, liver, milk, meat, legumes.

Beware of Brassicaceae
If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you need to keep in mind that soy foods that belong to the Brassicaceae family (such as turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, and spinach) reduce the functionality of the thyroid gland, as they contain molecules that inhibit the absorption of iodine and formation of thyroxine. However, should not forget that these foods are antioxidants that work against tumors, so their moderate use is still recommended.
The negative effect on the thyroid gland can be balanced by increased iodine intake.

Three useful habits for a healthy thyroid gland
Diet and lifestyle both affect the functionality of the thyroid gland, as well as to hormone therapy. Note the following:
1. Limit salt intake, the daily dose should not be over 3 g.
2. Include coconut oil in supplemental feeding, because it has a very beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
3. If you take levothyroxine, you should know that coffee reduces its absorption so it is best to wait at least half an hour before a cup of coffee.

Check whether You are Over Weight according to your Age

Overweight and obesity are labels for weight ranges that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The terms also identify ranges of weight that have shown could increase the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems.

The overweight epidemic is estimated to have afflicted some 1.7 billion people world-wide. Approximately 2/3 of the United States population are overweight (BMI =25) and almost half of this group are obese (BMI =30). About 5% of the U.S. population is morbidly obese (BMI =40 or BMI=35 in association with significant comorbidities).1 Among children aged 6 through 19 (1992-2002), 31% were at risk for becoming overweight and 16.0% were overweight.2 There is a rise in the prevalence of obesity as well as obesity related comorbidities that are responsible for more than 2.5 million deaths annually through out the world.1

Now Lets Calculate Weight Range Using Body Mass Index (BMI)
For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by using weight and height to calculate a number called the “body mass index” (BMI). BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat.
An adult with a BMI of less than 18.5 falls within the “underweight” range.
An adult with a BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 falls within the “normal” or healthy weight range.
An adult with a BMI between 25.0 to 29.9 falls within the “overweight” range.
An adult with a BMI of 30.0 or higher falls within the “obese” range.
Overweight? What You Can Do
The reasons for being overweight or obese are multi factorial and may include genetics, environmental influences, behavior (caloric intake and physical activity) and metabolism.

Nutritional and Behavioral Therapy – Overweight and obesity often result from an energy imbalance which involves eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity which requires a change to behavior and nutrition.
Medical or Procedural therapy – if Gastric Bypass has failed you there is a safe and effective incisionless endoscopic suturing procedure that can fix this.
A comprehensive and integrated solution taking this all into account is the best approach.

What happen if you Keep Lemon peel in your Socks before sleeping

We all should admit that the worse thing when the summer season starts are the ugly and cracked heels. All the creams, rubbing stones and many other tricks require a lot of effort, money and persistence, but they don’t provide us with the effect that we want.The only great thing that you can do is to use lemons in order to make your feet beautiful and soft again.

This method is very simple and easy and all you need to do is this:
As we mentioned before for this treatment you need only one lemon which should be large enough to cover the entire heel.
1.First, you should cut the lemon at half and you can prepare a lemonade for you and your family just don’t throw away the lemon skin, as you will use them for the feet treatment.

2.Squeeze the juice of the lemon, just make sure the pulp is still inside.
3.Put the lemon halves directly on the heels. They should cover your heels completely. You may feel strange at the beginning, but you will get used to it.
4.Cover the roughest parts of the feet with the lemon peel and wear socks so as to keep them in place.
5.Leave the lemon peel to stay for at least an hour, but for the best results you should leave it to stay during the night. The lemon juice will work as a chemical peeling and remove the dry and cracked skin.

Those people who have already tried this amazing trick claim that it was in fact very effective, even though it looks a little bit strange. You are going to see the results almost immediately. The cracked parts of the heel will be gone and your heels will be much softer and silky

What Really Makes YOU Fat? Read

Ever see that occasionally the lard won’t move regardless of what number of reps you include or calories you subtract? On the other hand possibly different powers are grinding away constrains that are imperceptibly undermining your earnest attempts to leave that last 20 pounds. A CALORIE is a calorie. This truism has been the foundation of nutritional wisdom and our beliefs about obesity since the 1960s.

what really makes us fatWhat it means is that a calorie of protein will produce the same vitality when metabolized in a living being as a calorie of fat or starch. At the point when discussing heftiness or why we get fat, summoning the expression “a calorie is a calorie” is perpetually used to suggest that what we eat is generally insignificant. We get fat in light of the fact that we take in a larger number of calories than we exhaust; we get incline in the event that we do the inverse. Any individual who lets you know something else, by this rationale, is attempting to offer you something.

“Eat Less, Exercise More” isn’t the answer for fat loss. The reasons are:
1. There are “Hormones” that make us eat more and exercise less.
2. Increased food intake and decreased exercise, is secondary to changes in the function of hormones.
3. The foods we eat disrupt the function our hormones, which makes us eat more and gain weight.
If you’re logging hours in the gym to no avail on the scale, it’s time to rethink your game plan. Here, things you’d never suspect could be making you fat.

1. Your Reading Comprehension
2. Your Diet Soda Habit
3. Lack of Sleep
4. The Room Temperature
5. Your Overweight Friends
6. Eating Too Much
7. Toxic Chemicals
8. Your Stress Level

A controversial conclusion? Absolutely, and Dr. Ludwig’s results are by no means ironclad. The diets should be fed for far longer than one month, something he hopes to do in a follow-up study. As in any science, these experiments should be replicated by independent investigators. We’ve been arguing about this for over a century. Let’s put it to rest with more good science. The public health implications are enormous.

She used to spread SALT all over the House, Here is the Shocking reason Behind that

Salt is used for so many years for cleaning purposes in our houses. It is not toxic, and that is one of the reasons why lots of people use salt to clean and disinfect many things in their houses.

Use Salt for Polishing Brass, Copper, and Silver: With time the metals fade. If you have ornaments that are made from brass, silver, and copper, you probably want to keep them clean and sparkly as new. Salt is the non-corrosive and the easiest solution for that. You just need to prepare a paste by mixing salt and vinegar and rub it on all the objects to make them shining. After that you just need to rinse them.
Salt for Cleaning Car and House Windows: To clean your windows and get rid of all the stubborn stains, you just need to combine couple of tablespoons of salt and one gallon of warm water. This is going to make them as clean as new and the effect will last long time.

Keep Ants at Bay: Nobody wants to see ants in the food storage, cabinets or around the windows. If that happens, salt is the solution number one. Just place some salt on the window sills or on any other surface where they are present. Salt lowers the levels of humidity in the home when it is applied like this. 

Clean Sink Drains: For cleaning the clogged sink drains, you just need to simply mix hot water with salt. And then, pour the mixture in the sink. Salt is going to melt the grease buildup that is causing the clogged drain and it also will deodorize the sink.

Rejuvenate Your Skin: By mixing salt and lavender oil you can get an amazing bath scrub. Combine these two ingredients and rub your entire body. Then, you should shower to wash away the dirt. Salt is an amazing body scrub because it rejuvenates your skin by eliminating all the dead skin cells.
Dental Care and Whitening Your Teeth: You can whiten the teeth with a mixture of baking soda and salt. This combination will help you maintain your teeth continuously white and clean.

Tooth Remedies: Salt is a great mouthwash and it has laxative effects. So, next time you have a toothache and mouth sores, you just need to dissolve salt in warm water and swirl the mixture in your mouth. You are going to be amazed with the result

Magic Homemade Recipe For Fastest Hair Growth

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of organic raw honey

Preparation and Usage: 

  1. Start by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl. Stir them until they are well combined.
  2. Massage your hair roots with this mixture gently and thoroughly, and apply the rest to the entire length of your hair. Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave it on for 3 hours. After that just wash it off like you usually do after dying your hair. Do this twice a week for 2 months and you will notice the change.
  3. Castor oil has been used for centuries in hair loss treatment. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties and it is very powerful against dandruff, scalp infections and folliculitis. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which improves the blood flow to your scalp and accelerates hair growth. It was proven that it can boost hair growth up to 3-5 times.
  4. Egg yolk contains amino acids and proteins which accelerate a fast and healthy regrowth of the hair. It is also rich in biotin which renews hair roots and follicles.
  5. Honey is a well-known antioxidant and has strong anti-germicidal and anti-fungicidal properties as well. All of these and the natural wax it contains make the honey a great conditioner and excellent tool in the prevention of hair loss.

All the benefits combined in one solution and the solution does wonders for your hair. Try it and see for yourself. You won’t regret that decision.

72 Year Old Indian Woman Gives Birth by IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

So many negative disgusting comments like Who would anyone allow woman to undergo in vitro fertilization at 72 year old age? when so many couples out there longing for a baby .At least these two can say they've worked their lives - no Job seeker's issues , stayed married for over four decades ( not like the divorce rates here ) and clearly fertile, fit and capable to have a baby through modern means ( not a burden on anyone's healthcare system even in their native country) 

That's a lot more than what we can say here .I'm glad the baby is healthy and well and has two loving parents , Who knows these two could outlive many of us and set their son up in ways we can't even do here. Being happy for others doesn't hurt."I first tried to avoid the case because she looked very frail. Then we made her undergo all the tests and once all the results were okay we went ahead," Dr Bishnoi said.

The case is not the first in India, with a 72-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh state reportedly giving birth to twins in 2008, also through IVF.

3 Home tricks to get rid of BLACK SPOTS

Lemon Juice
Lemon is known to have whitening properties due to its high Vitamin C content.Squeeze one lemon and soak cotton balls in the juice. Then, apply the cotton balls on your black spots and let them stay until the juice is absorbed. Finally, wash your face with water. Repeat the procedure 14 days in a row. The results will be visible in 2 weeks. If you have sensitive type of skin, dilute the lemon juice with honey or rosewater.

The lactic acid found in milk reduces skin pigmentation without causing blemishes. Mix two teaspoons of fresh tomato juice with four teaspoons of buttermilk. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with water. Repeat the procedure 5 days a week until you see results. If you don`t have butter, you can use a mixture of milk and honey instead. Apply for 10 minutes every day.

Loaded with antioxidants. Slice the potatoes and apply them on your face. Let them act for 30 minutes, and the antioxidants will be absorbed. Another option is to grate the potatoes and mix them with honey. Repeat the procedure twice a week and you`ll be amazed by the results.

BANANA PEELS Helps in Reducing WAIST, Stop Throwing

A banana peel, banana peel also called in British English, is the outer covering of banana fruit. Bananas are a popular fruit consumed in the world, with an annual output of more than 165 million tons in 2015. People throw banana peels all the time thinking that only meat contains all good things.
But that's not true. In fact, as much as half of the nutrients found in a banana peel! It's okay. You have been mindlessly wasting at least half of what you paid.

In many parts of the world banana peels eat all the time. Some people have even found interesting ways to make use of the shell.And now people are discovering that banana peels can also help you lose weight.As banana peel helps lose weight ,meat of a medium-sized banana contains essential nutrients that help control weight:

12% of your daily fiber, which helps digestion and can help reduce the risk of diabetes; 
17% of your vitamin C, which is important for the immune system;
20% of vitamin B-6, which helps the body's ability to convert food into energy, 
12% of potassium, which helps in the development of cells, tissues and organs throughout the body, 
8% of its magnesium, which is important for body energy production and regulate glucose levels and blood pressure.
Eat the skin along with the meat gives you even more of these nutrients. "(The skin) contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium. It also contains some fiber and protein, "San Diego-based nutritionist Laura Flores Live Science.
Green or yellow?
By now, you've probably heard all about the pros and cons of eating mature or immature bananas. When it comes to weight loss, green is your best choice.
They contain more probiotics, which are excellent to help your digestive health. In addition, green shells may help raise levels of serotonin and dopamine, which in turn makes you feel good. This can help control emotional eating.
But you can still wear a yellow shell for weight loss if you prefer something sweeter.
How to eat the banana peel?

fruit peels generally contain high levels of concentration of phytonutrients, which tend to improve the bitter taste.However, there are some delicious ways to eat them.
It can be cut at both ends of the shell and throw it into your smoothie. Add other ingredients you like. 
You can boil your tea peel and banana! Used for curried banana peel instead of potatoes.
When you discover what the banana peels can make your waist, it will stop throwing them away!
Feel free to be creative and try different recipes.
One last thing to remember before eating banana peels is always sure to buy organic products in order to limit their exposure to pesticides. And be sure to wash thoroughly before use

Turmeric Lemonade Recipe Fights against Depression

Turmeric is anti inflammatory, antioxidant packed, anti-cancer, antibacterial and antiviral super food and now, has been found to lift depression so more effectively than any other conventional medicine!
Turmeric Fights Depression
This super - root is very beneficial to our health . It is rich in antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties , which is ideal for the health of the brain, reducing the risk of diseases of the heart, and it has been found out of a depression, as mentioned above. In a clinical trial in major depressive disorder (MDD), curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) was found to have the same effects as prescription drugs fluoxetine (the form generic Prozac), without adverse effects!

Dr. Ajay Goel, Baylor Research Institute and Charles A Sammons Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center and co - author of the study, said: "It is a novel and surprising application for this natural medicine. People with depression have higher levels of inflammation in the brain. In addition, people with depression have lower levels of neurogenesis in the brain, which means they make fewer new brain cells than people without a history of depression. Curcumin is both a potent anti-inflammatory and powerful for neurogenesis "stimulating agent.
It has also been shown that the addition of turmeric to dishes reduces inflammation in the body.The Lemonade turmeric (4 servings)

  • 4 cups cold filtered water or sparkling
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated or powdered turmeric
  • 4 tablespoons of 100% maple syrup, honey or stevia if you are trying to avoid sugar
  • Juice of 1 1/2 lemons or limes
  • Juice of 1 blood orange (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a small, stir and serve with a slice of lemon as garnish pitcher. Have it weekly once or twice to get relaxation.

Whole World Gone Crazy by this Swedish Diet, Lose 10 Pounds In 1 week

This diet is especially good for those who love meat and dairy. Those who’ve tried it say that it normalizes the blood sugar levels and helps you lose weight. It is very appropriate for diabetics.
The Swedish diet consists of decreased consumption of carbs and increased amounts of fat and proteins. What is also good about this diet is that you don’t need to count calories and follow some timeline. But if you want this diet to be efficient you must follow its rules about what you can and cannot eat.

Another positive side of the diet is that you can eat when you’re hungry until you feel satisfied. The most important thing is to keep away from the forbidden foods and you will lose 5-10 pounds per week.
What you can eat:
– Meat – all kinds: beef, lamb, turkey, pork, game meat, chicken. Also, the meat fat is not forbidden and the chicken skin as well. If you can’t find organic or grass-fed meat, consume the regular type.

– Fish and shellfish – all types
– Eggs – organic eggs are the best but regular ones are fine as well. Boiled, fried, omelettes.
– All vegetables that grow above the ground: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, olives, spinach, mushrooms, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, onions, peppers, tomatoes, etc.
– Natural dairy products rich in fats: Greek/Turkish yogurt, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, high fat cheeses etc. Don’t eat sweetened dairy products and pay attention to the skimmed and regular milk as they can contain high amount of milk sugar.
– Nuts – all kinds: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Indian and Brazilian nuts, etc. (within limits).

From time to time you can also eat the following items (they might slow down the weight loss a little bit).
Dry red or white wine, whisky, brandy and vodka.
Dark chocolate that is made of 70% cocoa (when you really need, eat some)
Avoid fruits as they have lots of sugar, however, you can eat some from time to time and make sure you treat it as real candy.

The following foods should be avoided:
Sodas, sweetened juices, pastry, sugars, cakes, chocolate, desserts, ice cream, muesli, muffins, granola bars and artificial sweeteners.
Grains and starch, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, French fries, chips and porridge. Wholegrain products are not that bad but should be avoided anyway.

Legumes, beans and lentils as well, as they are rich in carbs. Margarine, beer and refined oils.
You should drink:
– Water
– Coffee (full fat cream is allowed)
– Tea (without sweeteners)

How to prevent Diabetes, Observe Diabetes Pyramid

Exercise Is an Excellent Way to Prevent Diabetes, Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control, Don't smoke, If you smoke or use other types of tobacco, ask your doctor to help you quit. Smoking increases your risk of various diabetes complications, including heart attack, stroke, nerve damage and kidney disease. Make sure you eat breakfast everyday. Drink a glass of water 10 minutes before your meal to take the edge off your hunger.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables to Prevent Diabetes: Adding lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet will help prevent diabetes. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best, as they have fiber and nothing artificial added. If you eat canned or frozen fruits, avoid ones with sugar or other additives. If eating canned or frozen vegetables, try to use low-salt or no-salt varieties.

Top 5 Underarm Whitening Tips

1. First, Lemon and Tawas: Cut lemon crosswise and remove seeds. After the bath, rub lemon on the armpit. Then, using a circular motion, rub powdered alum on armpits. Leave.
2.Kedua, Lemon and Honey with Alum: Mix 1 tablespoon lemon liquid and 1 tablespoon honey. Apply mixture to the armpits. Let stay for about 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Do this before the bath. You can also pat on some powdered alum afterward.

3. Take a little lime and whiting: Mix the lime with lemon juice until well blended in a bowl or plate. After that, apply the mixture on your armpit area. Allow approximately 15 minutes. We recommend that you use after a shower and use regularly for 1 week.

4. Prepare lemon and cucumber, then squeeze a lemon and take the juice: Grate the cucumber then capurkan lemon juice with grated cucumber and stir well. Add grated turmeric into it. Once well blended Dab on your armpits for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water
5. Take not too ripe papaya (mengkal) and parutlah until smooth: Place the grated papaya on your armpits every shower and let a few seconds, then rinse with clean water. The nature and content of substances in papaya is a unique natural bleach.