One Cup of This Beverage before Bed Burns Belly Fat like Miracle

Having a flat stomach is a goal that a lot of people have. Sometimes, having extra fat stored in your abdominal area can be due to typical abdominal swelling fluid retention gives you the appearance of having gained weight.
With this simple ginger, lemon, and cucumber based drink, you will be able to reduce those effects easily and lose weight in the abdominal area in only 7 days.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 8 cups of filtered water
  • 1 lemon
  • Fresh ginger
  • Ten mint leaves

The lemon in this water recipe is great for boosting your immune system and cleaning out harmful toxins. Cucumber is an anti-inflammatory and helps you to stay hydrated. Mint sweetens your drink without adding sugar and aids in digestion. To make this drink, just mix about eight cups of water with a medium cucumber (wedged or sliced), a whole lemon (wedged or sliced) and about ten mint leaves (or however many you prefer). Mix in a large pitcher and allow it to steep in the fridge overnight.

This is a really tasty drink and one that offers many wonderful detoxing and weight loss benefits.

7 घरेलू नुस्ख़े जो लौटा देंगे बालों की चमक

प्याज़ का रस : प्याज़ के रस में सल्फर की मात्रा होती है। ये टिशू में मौजूद कोलेजन के उत्पादन को बढ़ावा देते हुए बालों के विकास में मदद करता है।
घरेलू उपचार : प्याज़ के पीस काटकर उसका रस निकाल लें। आप इसे कद्दूकस भी कर सकते हैं। रस को 10-15 मिनट के लिए स्कैल्प पर लगाकर छोड़ दें। इसके बाद अपने बालों को हल्के शैंपू से धोएं।
 प्याज़ के रस के अलावा आप आलू का रस भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।
नारियल का दूध : डॉ. ब्लॉसम कोचर का कहना है कि बालों की अच्छी पैदावार के लिए नारियल का दूध सबसे अच्छा नुस्ख़ा है, क्योंकि इसमें आयरन, पोटैशियम और फैट की मात्रा काफी होती है।
घरेलू उपचार : डॉ. ब्लॉसम कहती हैं, 'इसे बालों में इस्तेमाल करने के लिए नारियल से दूध को निकालें। ध्यान रहे कि आपको यह दूध बाजार से बनावटी नहीं खरीदना है। फिर इसमें आधा नींबू और चार बूंद लैवेंडर ऑयल डालकर अच्छी तरह मिलाएं। स्कैल्प पर लगाकर करीब चार से पांच घंटे के लिए छोड़ दें। इसके बाद बालों को धो लें।'

सेब का सिरका : सिरका स्कैल्प को साफ कर पी.एच. संतुलन को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है। लंबे घने बालों के लिए इसे एक लीटर पानी में 75 मि.ली. मिलाएं और छोटे बालों के लिए एक कप गुनगुने पानी में 15 मि.ली. मिलाएं।
घरेलू उपचार : बालों को शैंपू से धो लेने के बाद सेब के सिरके को सबसे आखिर में पानी में डालकर धोएं। इससे बालों में चमक तो आएगी ही, साथ ही लंबाई में भी असर दिखाई देगा।
अंडे का कवच : पूराने ज़माने में बड़े बूढ़े कहा करते थे कि अंडा सेहत के साथ बालों के लिए भी काफी फायदेमंद होता है। आज के समय में भी कई लोग इसके इस्तेमाल से पीछे नहीं हटते। इसमें प्रोटीन की मात्रा के साथ सल्फर, आयरन, जिंक, सेलेनियम, आयोडीन और फॉस्फोरस होता है, जो अच्छे घने बालों के विकास में मदद करता है।

घरेलू उपचार : अंडे का कवच बनाने के लिए इसके सफेद भाग को एक कटोरी में डालकर फेंट लें। इसके बाद इसमें एक छोटा चम्मच जैतून का तेल (आप इसकी जगह अंगूर के बीज का रस या लैवेंडर ऑयल भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं) और एक छोटा चम्मच शहद डालकर मिलाएं। तैयार किए पेस्ट को अपने बालों और स्कैल्प पर 20 मिनट के लिए लगाकर छोड़ दें। शैंपू और ठंडे पानी की मदद से बालों को धो लें। अंडे का कवच आपकी त्वचा को निखारकर स्वस्थ रखने में भी मदद करता है।

मेथी : बालों के प्राकृतिक रंग को बनाए रखने के लिए काफी लोग परेशान रहते हैं। मेथी में प्रोटीन और निकोटीनिक एसिड होता है, जो बालों के लिए काफी फायदेमंद है। इस पेस्ट को बनाने के लिए मिक्सी में पानी डालकर मेथी पीस लें। थोड़ा सा नारियल का तेल डालकर इसे करीब आधे घंटे के लिए अपने बालों और स्कैल्प पर लगाएं। हल्के शैंपू के इस्तेमाल से धो लें। ये बालों के विकास के अलावा उसके प्राकृतिक रंग को भी बनाए रखेगा।

ग्रीन-टी : सेहत को तंदरूस्‍त रखने के लिए आप रोज़ अपने आहार में ग्रीन-टी का इस्तेमाल करते हैं और बाद में उसके टी बैग को कूड़े में फेंक देते हैं। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि यही ग्रीन-टी आपके बालों के लिए कितनी लाभकारी होती है? ग्रीन-टी एक बहुत ही अच्छी एंटीऑक्सिडेंट होती है, जो बालों को टूटने से रोक, उसके विकास में मदद करती है।

घरेलू उपचार : हल्की गर्म ग्रीन-टी को अपनी स्कैल्प पर लगाएं। करीब एक घंटे के लिए लगाकर छोड़ दें। ठंडे पानी से बालों को धो लें।
आंवला :  बचपन से सुनते आ रहे हैं कि आंवला सेहत के साथ बालों के लिए भी काफी अच्छा होता है। पोषक तत्वों से भरे इस लाभकारी फल में विटामिन सी का मात्रा काफी होती है, जो बालों के विकास के लिए काफी अच्छा होता है।

Cook Rice With Coconut Oil to BURN Fat and Absorb the Calories

To increase the resistant starch content of rice you need to follow these steps:
Add a teaspoon of coconut oil in boiling water, then stir in half a cup of rice once the oil dissolves. Simmer the mixture for 40 minutes until the rice is cooked – some scientists are suggesting that you could boil it for 20-25 minutes instead. Try the rice to make sure it’s well cooked. Put the mixture in the fridge for 12 hours afterwards. This procedure will increase the resistant starch content by up to 10 times

How does it work?
James says that coconut oil enters the starch granules during cooking and makes the sugar resistant to digestive enzymes, so it won’t break down and be digested. The cooling process of the rice for 12 hours binds the starch to molecules on the outside of rice and turns the sugar to resistant starch, so reheating won’t affect its levels.

And while this is great news to rice lovers, as with anything else, you should not overdo it. Overeating on rice can disrupt your blood sugar levels, so you should eat it moderately. Include more fiber and nutrient rich foods in your diet such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, barley, leafy green vegetables, cauliflower and mushrooms.

Natural Home made Syrup for Good Hearing, Memory and Eye Sight and remove BAD FAT too, EVERYONE MUST TRY

This syrup will help you to remove fat accumulations and excess water from your body. It is very effective, especially when combined with cardio exercises.Besides this, this syrup will speed up the function of your brain and improve your memory, hearing and vision. The main ingredient in this syrup is fresh horseradish that is rich in potassium, vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2 and B6, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
Horseradish speeds up the metabolism, reduces fatigue and stimulates the development of good bacteria in the stomach.


  • 125 grams of horseradish
  • 4 lemons
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon
  • 1 piece of ginger root (2 cm)


  1. Put the horseradish in your blender and blend it well. Add the juice of 3 lemons in the blender and blend for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add the honey and the cinnamon and blend for another 2-3 minutes.
  3. Store the syrup in some clean glass jar.

Consume 1 tablespoon, twice a day before having a meal or before your cardio-training. This dose should last for 3 weeks and then you should make a pause for several days. The results will be astonishing, you will never regret for taking this amazing syrup

5 things women must do for healthy living, MUST READ and SHARE with Your FEMALE Friends

Time your period : Hectic jobs and long commutes notwithstanding, it's important to find time to consult a gynaecologist at the first sign of an irregular period. "A woman completely ignores her health while balancing her career and household responsibilities. She delays her appointment, opts for a home remedy or finds a quick fix on Google. But an irregularity in your menstrual cycle can signify anything from a hormonal imbalance to a pelvic infection or even ovarian or cervical cancer," says Dr Bandita Sinha, consultant gynaecologist and fertility specialist.
Dr Geeta Vaidya, consulting gynaecologist and infertility specialist says heavy bleeding is usually caused due to fibroids or PCOS and can lead to severe anaemia. "In the long run, this can lead to low haemoglobin, low bone density, premature ageing, osteoporosis as well as subclinical hypothyroidism," she stresses. Almost every other woman suffers from PCOS. Dr Ranjana Dhanu, consultant gynaecologist, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, says, "Visible symptoms of PCOS include infrequent periods, thicker hair growth, weight gain and acne. Many girls tend to first hit the gym and consult a dietician instead of visiting a gynaec."

Use the pill wisely: There are many myths surrounding contraceptive pills — some say they lead to weight gain while others say they render you infertile. But experts disagree. "There are many options in the market. The prescription, however, differs from person to person. In India, most medicines are available over the counter and this leads to misuse," says Dr Rishma Dhillon Pai, consultant gynaecologist at Lilavati and Jaslok Hospital.

Dr Vaidya says it upsets her to see young girls pop emergency contraceptive pills. "They need to be taken only in the case of a genuine emergency, like when a condom breaks."
Ask your doctor, not Google: One needs to know when it's time to stop searching for symptoms online and instead, fix an appointment with a doctor. "Websites can present views that oppose each other and this will only leave you confused," says Dr Pai.

Dr Vaidya says, "It is surprising how urban men and women are still influenced by self-proclaimed gurus. They advise women to stop eating non-vegetarian food, stop exercising and refrain from visiting a gynaecologist till the third trimester. Such women come to me in their seventh month with severe iron and calcium deficiencies. The fear of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy or intrauterine growth restriction cannot be ruled out in such cases."
Address the tinkle trouble
Although urinary incontinence affects women of all ages, it is more common among women who have had children. "Stress incontinence typically occurs when physical movements like laughing, sneezing and coughing put pressure on the muscles that control your ability to hold urine, thereby causing an uncontrollable leakage of urine. Women are unaware that this disorder can be treated and thus, wear pads," says Dr Dhanu.

Hygiene matters: Those of us who don't sweat much after a workout often delay hitting the shower. Dr Dhanu insists that women should always take off their sweaty clothes immediately and shower because yeast multiplies fast in a damp environment, which can lead to infection. "Personal hygiene is extremely important, especially among corporate women who spend a lot of time outdoors. Women must protect themselves from staph infections," she says. Dr Pai suggests changing sanitary napkins every three to four hours and tampons, every four to eight hours depending on the blood flow. She also recommends washing the private area thoroughly with a mild cleanser. "Patients have called me at six in the morning, saying that they can't find their tampon. I advise them to avoid wearing a tampon overnight and to switch to a sanitary pad instead."

- Get a complete check-up done once in two years
- Get an ultrasound done if a period lasts for too long
- Drop in at your doctor's for a routine check-up, even after menopause
- Withhold important information such as previous miscarriages, abortions or 

Lemon Peel Trick to Get Rid of Inflammation and Chronic Pain

The lemon tree is one of the oldest and most cultivated fruit plants in the world, and for good reason! Lemons really do earn their right to be called a super food! Lemons are filled with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium.
They help to protect against many diseases and conditions, and have many positive effects on the intestines, stomach, liver, and the overall immune system.
Lemon juice and peels have a nice sour, acidic taste, lemons actually function as a buffer in the body and can reduce hyperactivity in the stomach.

Lemon peels have a nice antiseptic effect, and the leaves are good fever reducers.
What you didn’t know is that your favorite citrus fruit can help with joint pain!
The fragrant volatile essential oils in the lemon peel help to relax blood vessels and they produce an anti-inflammatory effect, making them useful for joint and nerve pain.

The following recipe is simple and effective, and you only need a few ingredient that more than likely you already have in your house.
Here are the two most effective ways:
Grate the peel, being careful to only get the yellow layer and none of the white. Rub the peel directly onto the affected body part and wrap with a bandage. Keep in place for up to two hours.

Put the rind of two whole lemons in a jar, and fill with olive oil.
Close the jar and let the mixture sit for two weeks.
Rub the oil onto the affected area and wrap with gauze. Let sit overnight.
It is important to make sure that you use organic lemons.

191 Yr Old Woman Discovered in Nigeria, Oldest Living Person In The World

The Guinness Book of Records recognizes 112-year-old Yasutaro Koide from Japan as the oldest person alive, but they just might have to amend the books. Recently, photos have surfaced of Mama Esifiho, a 191-year-old woman living in Nigeria.

Her age is estimated by her great-great grandson, Mr. Avuefeyen, who says he knows how old she is because she told him she witnessed the birth of his grandfather. If the family’s claims are indeed true, Mama Efisho is not only Nigeria’s oldest woman alive, she is the oldest woman alive anywhere.

She resides in Isoko, countryside community in Delta State of Nigeria that was founded in the 18th century. According to health-related websites, Isoko’s main crop, the cassava root, may explain the woman’s long lifespan and continued heath.

“Cassava is loaded with magnesium and copper. A diet rich in magnesium promotes life-long health, lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of osteoporosis. While a diet rich in copper helps support healthy nerve function. A cup of cassava contains 23 percent of the copper you need each day,” says the Institute of Medicine. (Dr. Oz needs to do a show on this!). What do you think? Could Mama Esifiho really be 191 years old? Weigh in!

One Ingredient clear all HAIR PROBLEMS, Many call it as HAIR DOCTOR

Hair dandruff
Hair Dandruff is a common hair problem resulting from dead skin cells in the dry scalp. Fenugreek seeds contain hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth and help remove hair dandruff. Fenugreek, also known as methi, is highly effective in treating hair loss.

  • Soak 4 tablespoon of methi (fenugreek) seeds overnight in water,
  • And grind them in the next morning to coarse paste.
  • You can add 3 tablespoon curd to the paste for even better results.
  •  after your paste is ready, then apply it to your scalp and massage the roots of your hair.
  • Wash off your hair after 30 minutes, and say goodbye to dandruff.

Hair loss

  • Take 2 tablepoon fenugreek seeds (methi) in mixer and grind them as smooth powder.
  • Then take powder in bowl and 2 tablespoon coconut oil.
  • Then Mix for all ingredients and apply this Paste on your hair.
  • Wait for 15 min,than wash off with mild shampoo.

Hair growth

  • Soak 2 tablepoon fenugreek seeds in the water and make a smooth past.
  • Then mix for fenugreek seeds paste and 1 egg Yolk.
  • Apply this egg and methi paste on the hair or scalp.
  • Wait for 30-40 minutes, then wash off with shampoo an water.