Dont Ignore Pain in these parts of your Body, it may be Danger Sign of your Health

Pain in any part of the body is normally a signal that something is wrong.However, we sometimes ignore these signals and assume everything is okay.Sometimes, pain in one body part could mean that something is with a different part of the body.Sometimes, the pain may be very insignificant, but you shouldn’t disregard it.Any pain that lasts over a week needs to be checked as ignoring it can cost your life, particular where these parts of the body are concerned:

1.Heart – Individuals with heart problems usually feel pain in the chest. Others experience pain in their right hand, on the upper back. Likewise, pain can be experienced in the left side of the body since heart problems are usually associated with body parts that send impulses, like the spinal cord.
2.Lungs and diaphragm – With lung problems,  you’ll  feel pain in your neck and upper shoulders.
3.Stomach and pancreas – Pain in the abdomen and back, especially around the area where pancreas is located, is normally a clear indication that something is not right with either of these two organs.

4.Black liver and gall bag – You’ll experience pain in the upper shoulders and neck when something is wrong with the gall bag or liver, particular when the pain occurs persistently on the right side where they’re located. You may also feel pain in the shoulders as well as the back of the diaphragm.
5.Small intestine – You’ll feel pain around the navel area if something is wrong with the small intestine. You need to see the doctor whenever you feel pain around this area of the body.

6.Large intestine and cecum – Pain in the central lower abdomen could indicate problems with the rectum or the colon. You should visit a doctor immediately as this is a potentially grave problem.
7.Kidneys – Kidney problems may be difficult to diagnose as the pain occurs across lower abdomen, lower back, thighs, and pelvis.

8.Bladder – When you have bladder problems, you’ll experience pain in the lower pelvis.
9.Ovary – Ovary inflammations result in pain in front of your abdomen. When it comes to cysts, an intense and stabbing pain occurs around the area where they’re located.

Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads on NOSE at Home

Luckily, there are several natural home remedies that can do wonders for your skin without any side effects. Here is the Best one for you guys. Try and share this with your Friends too
Egg White Mask
Prepare a face mask out of egg whites to treat your pores. It will tighten your pores, remove blackheads from your nose, and prevent possible future outbreaks. Egg whites are great for your skin because they abound in nutrients.
You will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • a clean towel;
  • a small bowl;
  • some toilet paper or a facial tissue.

What to do:
First wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry. Next, separate the yolk from the white and apply the egg white to your skin in a thin layer. Place the toilet paper or facial tissue on the egg white portion and press your face gently. Leave it on until it dries. Now apply a second egg white layer over the paper/tissue (the paper/tissue shouldn’t slide off). Allow the second layer to dry too. You can apply a third layer this is optional. Once your mask is dry, your face will feel tight. Peel off the mask and remove any residue. Pat your face dry and apply some moisturizer.