Amla to boost weight loss

Indian gooseberry or Amla is a well- known anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial fruit. Apart from being an excellent source of Vitamin C (more than 2 oranges), it can also help detox and boost protein metabolism which helps in weight loss. It’s no surprise that ‘Triphala’, a traditional ayurvedic preparation for weight loss is made from equal parts of amla, bibhitaki and haritaki fruits.

Amla can be taken in the following ways to boost weight loss:
Soaking: Take few amlas and soak them in water overnight. Crush the fruits in the solution you soaked it in and strain it. Drink the liquid every day.
Juicing: Pit the amlas, cut the fruit and blend it. You can either have this juice as is or dilute it with 1 part of juice and 3 parts of water. The juice eases bowel movement, strengthens immunity and keeps you active through the day. Drinking this the first thing in the morning flushes out all the toxins in your body and brightens your skin.

Raw Food: You can eat a few amlas as a snack every day. If it’s too bitter, dip it in some honey.

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