Home Remedies that Control Hair Fall In 5 Days

Effective hair care remedy with Indian Gooseberry or Amla: The amla or Indian gooseberry is extremely adept in the curbing of hair fall. Amla is a rich source and has high content of Vitamin C which is immensely good for hair growth. Anoint your hair with amla and massage it for keeping overnight. In the morning, you can wash out your lovely locks with shampoo. The Indian gooseberry can also be heated to mix it with coconut oil. In this manner, you can be rest assured of getting superb results since the hair will be falling out in lesser and lesser amounts. You can massage your hair with the mixture of amla and coconut oil. It is an effective way of curbing hair loss and also stops grey hairs before your time.

Take half a cup of curd or yoghurt and mix it with a quarter teaspoonful of black powder. Once the paste is ready, apply on your hair and keep it till thoroughly dry. Once the solution has set in firmly, wash off and see the difference in noticeably less hair loss.  The curd also adds luster to your locks, in addition to making them grow stronger.

Natural juice provide effective remedies: You can enjoy a thick and luxuriant hair after applying some natural juices. Grate onions, garlic or ginger and squeeze out the juice. Massage your hair locks with the juice and leave it on throughout the night. Once it has been well absorbed, you can rinse off the oily effect in the morning with a good shampoo.

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