Best Tips to lead Happy and healthy Life for today Generation

Introduction: Many people say many things to lead happy life. It is not simple as they say . We need more commitment and will power too
Example : For suppose if we wanna be fit we have to control our favorite foods like Chicken, Mutton and some fatty foods for this we need will power to control these and also stubborn commitment

Food: Eat raw vegetables, Fresh fruits (avoid fruits from refrigerator ), eat less Non vegetarian foods, avoid bakery items
To control food it is easy in initial days after that we feel too difficult, to over come these eat you fav food less than normal and less it day by day this give good result
Exercise: Exercise is more and more important to our body, do the exercise according to your body , dont to too heavy. Do walking 1km in morning and 1km in evening i promise you , you surely feel the difference

Laugh and talk with family and Friends: Now a days because of mobile people are not communicating properly with each other, at least try from today seriously you feel more better than yesterday

Avoid Gadgets: using mobiles, laptops, pc and more other electronics devices leads to damage of spine, eyes and muscles too please you them when they are really a need

We all know these things but we wont follow, Please try to follow these and share with your Friends too REALLY IT WORTH

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