Cook Rice With Coconut Oil to BURN Fat and Absorb the Calories

To increase the resistant starch content of rice you need to follow these steps:
Add a teaspoon of coconut oil in boiling water, then stir in half a cup of rice once the oil dissolves. Simmer the mixture for 40 minutes until the rice is cooked – some scientists are suggesting that you could boil it for 20-25 minutes instead. Try the rice to make sure it’s well cooked. Put the mixture in the fridge for 12 hours afterwards. This procedure will increase the resistant starch content by up to 10 times

How does it work?
James says that coconut oil enters the starch granules during cooking and makes the sugar resistant to digestive enzymes, so it won’t break down and be digested. The cooling process of the rice for 12 hours binds the starch to molecules on the outside of rice and turns the sugar to resistant starch, so reheating won’t affect its levels.

And while this is great news to rice lovers, as with anything else, you should not overdo it. Overeating on rice can disrupt your blood sugar levels, so you should eat it moderately. Include more fiber and nutrient rich foods in your diet such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, barley, leafy green vegetables, cauliflower and mushrooms.

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