One Cup of This Beverage before Bed Burns Belly Fat like Miracle

Having a flat stomach is a goal that a lot of people have. Sometimes, having extra fat stored in your abdominal area can be due to typical abdominal swelling fluid retention gives you the appearance of having gained weight.
With this simple ginger, lemon, and cucumber based drink, you will be able to reduce those effects easily and lose weight in the abdominal area in only 7 days.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 8 cups of filtered water
  • 1 lemon
  • Fresh ginger
  • Ten mint leaves

The lemon in this water recipe is great for boosting your immune system and cleaning out harmful toxins. Cucumber is an anti-inflammatory and helps you to stay hydrated. Mint sweetens your drink without adding sugar and aids in digestion. To make this drink, just mix about eight cups of water with a medium cucumber (wedged or sliced), a whole lemon (wedged or sliced) and about ten mint leaves (or however many you prefer). Mix in a large pitcher and allow it to steep in the fridge overnight.

This is a really tasty drink and one that offers many wonderful detoxing and weight loss benefits.

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