She suffered with Joint pains, A Friend of her suggested to do this, Finally Problem solved

Joint pain can turn your life into another way and it can affect negatively on your mood and well being. You can reduce this type of pain and by changing your eating and living habits.
A woman who suffered joint pain declared that she treated it naturally. Her disease was caused by her job as a typist. She decided to use natural medicine and to put her hands in apple cider vinegar and after two months her symptoms were eased. In the first month she put her hands in the vinegar three times a week and in the second month two times a week.

The pain in her hands was relieved every time she put her hands in the vinegar. She was doing this routine before going to bed. For this treatment you only need to mix apple cider vinegar, water and a little honey. It can also cleanse your body from toxins because it is an extremely effective antioxidant.

What you should do :

Rub a mixture of 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 Tbsp. olive oil on the joints.
Doing this routine you will improve your life quality and you will no longer be a slave of the joint pain in your hands.

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